Saturday 24 January 2015

(30) The Key to Human Religion (Part 3)

Basic Dimension 

Number Archive

Homo erectus

From seven to three million years ago Homininae and other human like beings created a very simple abstraction of eternal life. Inbreeding was seen as the timeless existence of the tribe in broader perspective. 

It perpetuated the genetic composition of the group, though still individuals would die. Homininae saturated their genes in the offspring by inbreeding and incest, what can be called eternal life by genetic immortality

But they encountered great difficulties. Groups were very small with little competitive young males. And Homininae moved around only slowly and fanned out in all directions, so they did not easily meet other groups. Hence, group permeability was low and groups were fairly inaccessible: 

Females simply were not able to associate freely with other groups to fulfill their natural need for genetic diversity. And therefore genetic monoculture got preponderance.

Hence, they did not find a modus vivendi between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity. Human religion was not able to find the same balance which animal religion found for mammal groups, a balance between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:

Homininae were locked up in a sick culture what formed the blueprint for further human religion: Paradise culture:



Later Homininae and Homo ergaster perceived their offspring inherited the same tribal faults as well known deceased ancestors. Did they draw the conclusion the grandson was in fact the reincarnation of his grandfather? They did, but it took millions of years to grasp this stunning concept of reincarnation. 

The invention of reincarnation had irreversible effects on tribal existence. Once the combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation was made it could not be undone easily. That's because this interaction was too profitable for tribal coherence.

Transcendent deceased gods of the inbreeding era mingled with immanent ancestors of reincarnation. Now, adulterous cousins were inspected internally by immanent gods, who reported for stoning immediately. This combined religion of genetic immortality with reincarnation perfected tribal control on cousins. 

This combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation is called the second stage of Paradise culture:

But most important and the ultimate blow for genetic immortality was the individual stayed alive after death and ever would return into the tribe, where else? But then tribal members were obliged to provide sufficient inbred bodies. What means inbreeding and earthly reincarnation were tied for ever instinctively.

But certainly with the advent of Homo erectus something special happened for permeability of groups was greatly increased. Human beings grasped it was profitable to reincarnate into strong animals and beautiful women not belonging to the tribe. 

That's because reincarnation into the own tribe was no promise but a curse. The prospect to have perpetual orgasm with sisters, cousins and mothers until the end of times drove males to the other side where the grass is always greener. 

So Homo erectus broke up the inbreeding and incest culture, after which women rediscovered their own soul and fulfilled their need for genetic diversity:



Homo erectus was God's first creation  

It is not surprising God’s first creation is based on genetic diversity of the original alpha male who fertilized every female he encountered (20 million years ago). But this narrative handles about humans, meaning Gods first creation possibly originates from West and Central African Peoples (200.000 years ago). 

But it might also be millions of years older originating from Homo erectus who invented the abstraction of reincarnation into animals, by which tribal inbreeding was unnecessary and women were allowed to have sexual relations outside the tribe.


From that time human cultures developed as monotheism (endogamous) and polytheism (exogamous):   



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Wednesday 21 January 2015

(29) The Key to Human Religion (Part 2)

Basic Dimension 

Number Archive


Seven million years ago the first Homininae abandoned the jungle in small groups and roamed through Africa. The alpha male was their leader:

The alpha male is a God who stands for polygamous heterosexuality. His is genetically programmed to create genetic monocultures: 


But we know  primal law in nature is genetic diversity:


If mammals living in groups together don't want to extinct, they must find a modus vivendi between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity. We think animal religion for mammals seeks a balance between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:


Genetic diversity is a natural drive of females:


But for that matter, the first Homininae encountered great problems. Groups were very small with little competitive young males. And Homininae moved around only slowly and fanned out in all directions, so they did not easily meet other groups. 
Hence, group permeability was low and groups were fairly inaccessible: 

Females simply were not able to associate freely with other groups to fulfill their natural need for genetic diversity. And therefore genetic monoculture got preponderance.


Homininae cultures developed predominantly as genetic monocultures and will frequently have been extinct by autosomal recessive disorders.  The only way to survive was robbing genetic material from other tribes. It was the beginning of religious warfare for women slavery which brought the scale with genetic diversity in balance again.

Thus human religion developed out of the roots of animal religion as peculiarity of a slow species in too small and very isolated groups.


First Homininae developed sadomasochism out of empathy and founded a cultural model to oppress women in their inbreeding and incest culture.


But farfetched sadomasochism was not accepted, not even by first Homininae, that's why they developed a sort of unspoken morality. Morality meant sadomasochistic butchering of women was only allowed on their refusal to lend their body to the inbreeding and incest culture. Much later this was called 'religion'. 
And sadomasochism became 'monotheism'. Homininae founded the first Paradise culture in which sadomasochism became the core of 'religion':


It's our belief sadomasochism is a humanly combined super instinct of murder and sexuality which is the core of human religion. It was later called 'monotheism'. It is the principal component of human religious space in the brains of human males: 


Homininae created a sexual culture where males pursued genetic monocultures, but where women were denied pursuing genetic diversity.


Therefore human religion developed in a sick way out of animal religion, for  balance was lost between genetic diversity and genetic monoculture.


Homininae developed a culture killing women who wanted not cooperate with the inbreeding and incest culture named the first Paradise culture:

Their religion developed out of a sexual model which became the core of our Sexual Theory of Religion:

Homininae created a very simple abstraction of eternal life. Inbreeding can be seen as the timeless existence of the tribe in broader perspective.

It perpetuated the genetic composition of the group, though individuals would die.  Homininae saturated their genes in their offspring by inbreeding and incest, what can be called eternal life by genetic immortality.


This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Saturday 17 January 2015

(28) The Key to Human Religion (Part 1)

Basic Dimension 

Number Archive


The alpha male

The alpha male is a god who stands for polygamous heterosexuality. He is the proud owner of all females in the group and we give this heterosexual God one degree of freedom in space.

Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.

Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.

Genetic monoculture versus genetic diversity

But the alpha male came in conflict with the primal law of nature:

The alpha male is the strongest male with genes for optimal protection of all females. But basically he is dealing with genetic monoculture in the group of higher mammals, only serving the immediate survival of the group. Because, in the long run the genes of the strongest male will be over-represented in his descendants. And in the long term that would lead to inbreeding.

Hence, there's a counter-force in nature that compensates groups of higher mammals for genetic monoculture and that is called genetic variation or genetic diversity.

Where males within the group are mostly weaker than the alpha male, it might be that stronger males invade from the outside.

That dimension of genetic monoculture versus genetic diversity is what we call the basic dimension of religion, in which religion is a form of sexuality and group formation:

In polygamy, alpha males separate a group of females from other males on the basis of power. In the animal kingdom, this is accomplished by sexual attraction and physical strength. This would lead to genetic monocultures except that females have the choice to join a polygamous group. And that choice, made by females, rules genetic diversity in nature:

Assumption 4:

- We give four operationalizations of animal religion:

1: Religion is a form of sexuality.
2: Religion is an expression of the group instinct.
3: Religion is the distribution key for the subordinate sex *.
4: Religion sets sexual rules for the subordinate sex *.

- We give one operationalization of human religion:

5: Human religion is the search for eternal life.

*Note that although female animals are often sexually dominated by males, their freedom to choose their own male is usually guaranteed. Hence, the animal world is dominated by genetic diversity.

Assumption 195: Religion is born in groups of higher mammals and concerns the battle between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity.

The balance on the basic dimension

The balance between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity is regulated by 
the permeability of the group. Group permeability is a measure of the basic dimension of religion.

Assumption 196: The measure of religion is group permeability. 

Higher permeability of the group gives better genetic diversity. This is optimal for long-term survival, but weakening in the short term. Because, the group will not differ from other groups any longer. 

And smaller permeability gives stronger genetic monoculture in the short term, which will protect the group now but will weaken its resistance to diseases later on.

God as a sexual ideal projection

The alpha male is the God of young male mammals in groups:

Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.

All young males project their sexual ideal projection in the alpha male, because they want to be as big and strong as he. For, every male ever wants to pounce all the females.

Resuming, the alpha male is a god who stands for polygamous heterosexuality. He is monotheistic and does not want to cooperate with other gods. Without opposing forces this situation would lead to a genetic monoculture of the alpha male and his descendants. 

And therefore it is good that young males - as believers in God - develop a sexual ideal projection in which they want to match the alpha male or even beat him. But remember that they also want to set up a genetic monoculture, but their joint effect is genetic diversity.

This combination of mechanisms - within and outside the group - leads to the strongest males of the species that reproduce. It is because it also leads to genetic diversity with reduced risk of hereditary effects.

Males and females

Although genetic diversity results from the struggle between males we know that females take also part in the battle. And that's because they are the most important group of 'other sexual roles' that form the anti-projection on the alpha male.

As told the alpha male attaches to monotheism and does not want to cooperate with other gods. But those other gods together form a polytheistic set. And in that group of gods, females definitely seek genetic diversity.

Assumption 201: Males in mammal groups tend to be polygamous, leading to genetic monoculture and females often get their offspring from different males tending to genetic diversity.

And that's why females seek adulterous sexual contacts with males outside the group. As a result, the alpha male has a day job in keeping his females all together and fighting male intruders:

Data reduction

Now, there are always n subjects (persons) and m variables. It is a matrix (n x m). 
In this case persons are faithful animals and variables are heterosexuality and homosexualityAn animal can choose on which of the m-variables it takes the highest projection. If the animal is completely heterosexual, his blue arrow lies entirely on that of the alpha male.


Next we change our example from variables to factors. Heterosexuality and homosexuality were variables but become factors now.


Remember that we always need a lot more subjects (n) than variables (m) to do any research. For example, with 1000 subjects (n), we have a 1000-dimensional subject space. But we also have the scores of those subjects on let's say 100 sexual behavior variables (m). So we have a 1000 x 100 matrix of scores.

Hence we have two spaces, a 1000 dimensional subject space (n) and a 100 dimensional variable space (m). If those 1000 subjects are a set of overdetermined equations and therefore more or less the same, their vectors from the origin in the variable space (m) are heavily interdependent and the rank of their subject space lies far below 1000. But we are more interested in the column rank of variables. It might be less than 100, may be even less than 5.

Next we select the five most important factors (p) out of that 100 dimensional
variable space (m). What we accomplish is data reduction. 

Now we see that our thousand subjects (n) easily fit within the new shrunken 5 dimensional factor space (p), so we do not need that hyperspace of 100 variables (m) any longer. And we also do not speak of variable scores but of factor scores.

This all means that thousand sexual roles of our subjects (n) are projected as 1000 vectors from the origin within a p=5 factor space. And of course all those vectors from the origin must be heavily interdependent with very narrow angles between vectors. The rank of vectorspace (m) is 5 or less.

But this is not quite true because we are willing to give up a lot of unique information about variables to attain our data reduction from variables to factors. So we throw away 95 mostly unique factors and keep only 5 most promising factors, which explain most of the subject variance.

The sexual power space of males

In our theory there are five sexual main dimensions (p=5) that contain almost all variation in sexual behavior of mammals. This means that the rank of mammal sexuality is 5. But of course with accepting much loss we can display mammal sexuality in a rank = 2 space: heterosexuality versus other sexual roles:

Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality. 

Assumption 198: The alpha male is a polygamous heterosexual and monotheistic God, who attaches to genetic monoculture. In the anti-projection we find 'other sexual roles' (mostly female roles), pursuing genetic diversity.

The Archetype of God

After 100 million years of evolution of higher mammals in groups, the sexual ideal projection into the alpha male is firmly put in the brain as a genetic instruction to search for God.

In our theory, this physiological substrate consists of a (sexual) power space in the brain of males, which basically is of infinite dimensionality.

Assumption 68: In humans, the number of gods in the archetype of God is by nature unlimited (polytheism), with SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) of the space of gods. By testosterone (monotheism) this number of god factors is gradually restricted to one dimension, called SM-dyad or Allah construct. With oestrogens multi-dimensionality remains unaffected. This means that males tend to monotheism and females to polytheism.

Assumption 68: In humans, the number of dependent gods (n) in the polytheistic space of gods (rank = m = 5 vectors) in the archetype of God (rank = p = 5 factors) is naturally unlimited, with the SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) (p = 1). 
SM-dyad is called 'monotheism' otherwise. With male testosterone this space will be gradually restricted to only one conscious dimension (p = 1), the SM-dyad or Allah-construct, named otherwise monotheism or sadomasochism.Remaining (m - p  =  4) components are relegated to the unconscious. But in case of oestrogens all sexual factors (p = 5) remain unaffected in the conscious of women.

Assumption 201: Males in mammal groups tend to be polygamous, leading to genetic monoculture and females often get their offspring from different males tending to genetic diversity.


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